About The Plan

And why does President Trump defend the jay aah bee and injected it himself.

  1. He works for the dark side and is really not that smart after all. A good prevaricator like any and all of them with better abilities to fool both sides and even the side of GOD ALMIGHTY.

2. His poker face is priceless and we are all in on the joke.

3. Because he understands how the formula works and that in order to prove to our modern(ist) judges and inquisitors that we are not in a cult and do think for ourselves, also putting GOD above anyone man or woman, by doing the betting of the dark side, not only did he free himself from further attack by them, he also gives us the opportunity to go the extra miles and show our own understanding and worth. That we speak out of 100% conviction and abilities to think like leaders, not sheeps, that we are worthy patriots with a challenge, another one, easy to take and easy to dismiss. Just like we do think Biden is long gone, maybe this is really a clone, the cabal has still few others at the ready and until they all become unusable, the fight and the pantomime will continue.

4. We also know that they create different vials for different people. One type for the protected classes, another for the masses, and maybe in order to fool certain people also, they will make sure those willing defenders of modern medicine will get the good vacs, not the tainted ones.

5. Hands in the cookie jar and all that, President Trump may very well be in the know of that game too and let them do what they do, recording every step and incidents occurring, like the stealing of the election or how the moneys (Covid relief) were spent, stolen, and attributed to, FOR the long awaited coming NUREMBERG TRIAL OF ALL TRIALS.

6. The Q crowd should know better. We are also at a point where only with the hand of GOD, will we defeat this dark unstoppable thirsty cabal. Knowing about how Energy Science Medicine History Psychology Astronomy Physics has been hijacked by the Cabal and that The Great Reset which is their new slogan for a worse dystopian future and supposedly the higher purpose of this slow extermination or transformation of humanity into bots for the system, aka, Satan. The END GAME. Knowing all that and the cosmic battle we’re engaged in, we should rejoice at all the progress we have indeed achieved and how for the first time in our lifetime, we are on the brink of a new reset alright but one that will bring us back to where TESLA started but had to go underground to let Edison define and create Electricity.

7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcDR43D7i38

Bilan de la Situation

You know I really don’t appreciate having to accept as our Bargaining Chip the Sacrificed Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ to be saved and armed against all odds and against the worse fears and horrors facing us in our worst moments of despair and entrapment. I mean can we do with his sacrifice plain and simple without the extra gore? Of course we can and we should. Jesus is high because he was born HIGH and Pure and made out of GOD’s LIGHT and LIGHTness and all HIS BEST intrinsic qualities and attributes. Even if one has to remember them along the way, depending on the new challenges and kinds of destiny in that special life or any other ones.

Not that the expression is wrong or not meant to express the same exact level of horror and empathy He Himself Has Known and seen and lived and been victim of directly or by proxy. In hundreds of ways and levels. Mainly the separation from the true Beloved and the feeling or reality of a life of cosmic loneliness when that realisation has occurred and there is no way out until really the world would wake up and start bringing their own love and hand to a very unfair and impossible proposition. Where we are at fortunately today.

Jesus is One with God and God is One with Jesus because They both are trustworthy and smart and beautiful and open and crazy enough to not be so judgmental like hypocrites can and do. Light under pressure courageous and always the most gracious or perfect balance. I mean if some real superior magic doesn’t save us when we are lost and have fallen into the demonic hands of satanic forces, I don’t know of the benefit or even beauty of OUR CREATOR.

My experience during my Initiation under the full beautiful exceptional care of GOD proved me that just by having total control and dominion upon our being body and soul and the entire environment society and universe, Satan included; there is nowhere for us to escape to if it came to that. In a matter of seconds, God can destroy you mentally physically, scare you to death and make you feel the worst excruciating pains imaginable, including sending you to hell forever if He was so inclined. being GOD and not the devil, HE won’t, just give you a taste of it so that you will never forget WHO’S THE BOSS and WHO you should remember to LOVE and RESPECT and ADORE for HIS WONDERFUL MEASURED CREATIVE LOGICAL GENEROUS MIND and VISION.

Let me also reiterate, if the PRICE of Paradise and our freedom must pass thru kids getting tortured and abused and sold and killed and eaten and dismembered, burnt and so on, I say, Thanks but no thanks. I know everything shall pass and the soul is eternal and can survive anything, but I still will say, count me out. I don’t want that world to even exist. You won’t convince me by saying that everyone of these lost souls are getting what they deserve because once it was them that were doing these things to other poor souls and this is between God and Satan and that contract.

First I don’t think HELL does really exist when I know that GOD wrote all the stories and used every last thing and creature to serve a purpose. Not speaking of the true Extremists that seem to come from another planet and reality (well HELL itself.) For them I have an easy answer: they aren’t real at all, it’s whatever it is, but it is a simulation and a program that can be shut down at any given moment. They were created for this dual world and that’s it. Heck even WE could just go POOF and not having a second thought about it once we’re gone. Like a good night forever sleep. Who would even care or remember?

Et si ce monde est le cul du monde, then WE ALL, minus those few that have Hollywood and that elitist world of sophistication and vampiric fun, crazy scientists doing crazy experiments, BETTER FOCUS all our attention on doing all that is necessary for never come back again and take the ASCENSION ELEVATOR – quick karma fix, by recognising who has the truth and who doesn’t and so on. Get themselves informed and then start the easy work of detoxifying their mind and their souls to then also prepare themselves better to find their own true BELOVEDS that will be their key to the kingdom of GOD, FATHER of JESUS CHRIST, who is nobody’s personal friend or pal. They are like your Elders and THEY want respect and social distancing at that. Independent minds and all that. Thirsty for learning. The world is a treasure trove of never-ending SECRETS to be re-Discovered, so it is not that we won’t be busy continuing being us, trying to find more clues to the story and more wonders. Each according to their own preconceived ANIMA. In correlation with our true soulmates and relationships with other wonderful souls and stories to share.

All that in joy and full creative mode when we can reach that point.

What I’m trying to say is that people who call themselves Christians and don’t have a second thought on the level of sacrifice and horror they have accepted was inflicted on the figure of Christ, GOD’s SON, one of His SONS, and that their kind of ignorance and easy acceptance of such betrayal and violation of, by, all that we hold true of GOD ALMIGHTY is in itself a violation. Perpetrated now by ourselves. Repeating a pattern that can have no end to it. A Tool of Satan. The Initiator of that TRICK. Well, the Vatican.

The purpose of the Crucifixion of Christ and especially the Beauty of his heart and degree of fatalistic destiny and the lesson of humbleness and hurt caused by the other kinds of sacrifices endured, stories of love and betrayals and death for sure, that make for the most beautiful stories and characters are what pleased GOD and would deserve HIS Interest in US if we approved of the overall message and incredible feat. And are meant to make our own lives meaningful and interesting. IN any cases, no paradise without the BELOVED(S) already met and approved by GOD, friends of Christ, in full understanding and empathy with HIS PAIN and past sacrifice. After all DIDN’T HE (THEM) just prove to you THEIR WORTH with all the secrets revealed at the price of their own retirement and seclusion from society, LIFE itself, still in play. Who knows still for how many years and in what better or worse conditions. Caught all the thieves and prevaricators too while doing it.

Born High, in nether Lands. Fallen, all around us. Family and friends. Even ‘lovers.’ Forget dates. The worst idea and concept.
