#AmericanArt #AmericanArtists

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« Understanding that time doesn’t exist, it removes all barriers that THEY have created. Everything revolved around time, being on time, arrive on time, showing up on time, I’m too late, I’m too early. It’s another program, money is the Root of all evil. 

The Root Chakra, which is the 3GD, that runs through your lower half. With Nanotechnology it was heavily layered inside the light channels, preventing proper conductivity. The math and physics that the Draconian Slave Ship used was in place to limit YOU. 

Equations that can’t be solved and technology that never works, ask yourself why a computer you buy is instantly obsolete? It’s by design, creating a need to continually purchase their products. 

They’re all programs, because Reality is Not What You Think It Was. 

The Matrix Was A Documentary. 

Time is an illusion, It never existed. It was constructed to control YOU. Fabricating the days on the calendar to celebrate, by pulling on the Root strings. It was perpetual cycle that allowed the Reptilians and Greys to rule Humanity.

Connecting Consciousness put out a video today with no sinman parkes….still in GITMO
and charLIE wart hog is a Clone doing videos with JASON Q and others about nothing yet the dummies buy the bullshit…you can not make this shit up..how many dummies on BITCH u te
drinking the koolaid by the charLIE ward tranny club. male K ultra with 2,000 views stays on popular for weeks while those speaking the truth do not even show up and scotty mckay talking about nothing and nina ropa DOPA talking about nothing and jordan satHER talking about nothing linger for days with very low views…I am sure just a coincidence…. while the BITCH BOYS keep puting in a new system again today trying to censor…check your notifictaions as they will change them on you with their FREEMASON FLYNNY PEGASUS software and unsub you and sub you to the dummies mentioned above and other uselless boys that everyone likes so much.
cause saint hitler loves you
jesus loves you
ismelly Perez will be doing the rounds again telling you the Queen is from Orion..i guess Derek Johnson 15 mins of fame took a dive… » — bluewater.


I’m here and wait for more Konfessions from me.

Remember Me.

A good link that ended with some funny comments in the comments section from us,

Talking in the Open and then some . . .


Confessions : A START (to be continued. . .)

From some days ago I presume

@bluewater/bitchute :

Hi everyone!!!! Am I too late to the Party? I had so much to talk about with so many layers and angles that it gets very difficult for me to choose which one to take, where or when, each time I need to engage for real. So I continue with my own monologues of sorts in order to guarantee that no stone has been left unturned before getting to the real meat. Waiting for INSPIRATION also thus more FEEDBACK. And surely much indulging on my part. Otherwise known as Contemplation.

What I will do today for a first – I haven’t found the courage to write to The Blue Captain yet and ask for a favor, any favor, small or big besides me sending 10 dollars (too poor) with no added comment once. It was before the comments section became open and we could enjoy in full the Beautiful Heart and Mind of a Loving straight shooter and much Loved FIGHTER / LEADER / KING in action.

For that and also because I am in serious need of DONATIONS, I started A BuyMeACoffee page right when I reached the dreaded threshold I placed upon my head as a catalyst to find A DETERMINATION & A NECESSITY TO FINALLY MAKE THE BIG JUMP TO (MY) FREEDOM. With all the Right ARGUMENTS. And also a RECAP OF MY STATE OF AFFAIR. Try to share what are/were all these CHECKMATES of mine gone ‘UNPUNISHED.’ With extra Links to my BLOGS/DIARIES/TESTIMONY for more context and updates/ArtRequests/Presentations/BusinessProposals/Adoption and such/WhileTOPEntertainmentEducationPaintingsInTheMaking, et j’en passe et des meilleurs.

The Bluewater Archipelago Would Be Our Last Chance Garage / Refuge and we are very grateful for it. We need Your Guidance when it comes to really distinguish the real from the phonies. And the balls to unmask them. With some misses when it suits the Universe to do so. And with healthy Detachment. A STRATEGY. FROM A PRECIOUS FREED SOUL.

I’ve been busy making an ass (bait) of myself since early 2000. At 40. While living in Iran where I moved in 92 to find ironically real freedom and a path to Enlightenment. The ultimate goal was always America or American at heart and culture. Natives and History and Magic. Nice environment too. Close to Mexico!!!! Since 1972 was it? I dream of Mexico too. The Olympics??

Dear Teacher and Ascended Master, I am one of your biggest (Happy and Grateful) SUPPORTERS/Admirers. Because of my own personal truth and reality which I shared with the whole world (no less starting with branches of the Cabal since 2003!! From Tehran mind you! Internet Café. I knew it would be a long haul and I knew I HAD PROTECTION and frankly no fuck to give anymore on anything but the veracity of what I had just lived, seen, passed thru fire for, still looking and/Dying for i.e. After a very harsh Initiation/SPIRITUALTORTURE/BOOTCAMP/LiberationOfTheMind.) Because of all this and more, my VOICE and PERSPECTIVE has been and still is one not to be missed for quicker clarity and then some. Good source for endless Inspiration Education Prediction and Entertainment. Of course there is the ART which I produced and which is my main means of expression other than a treasure of informations as to how this UNIVERSE/CREATION works. CREATION, BIG AND SMALL PICTURE, FATE and Predestination facts of LIFE, the very sources of all the MAGIC and WONDER we wish to experience when in tune / ONE with our true PATH and HIGHER SELF/TRUTH. Once the Heart and Intellect is ripe and ready for the ULTIMATE Grabbing/Burning of the SOUL. Much FREEING and CRAZY TALK ALLOWED IN EXCHANGE FOR THIS MADNESS OF A PLACE AND SITUATION. Including the mental spiritual decoupling from parents and siblings just as much as any incomplete and unfair relationship.

What changed today as opposed to yesteryears, is that the world is finally catching up, getting higher and higher despite the appearances and last pushes towards total control and tyranny. The war against our (supposed) betters and protectors (see the Bushes and other twisted UniParty DARK puppeteers) initiated thanks to and with the candidacy of 45 and went on during his Presidency. Not always visible if you watched the news and the full assault / traps on his character, actions, looks and that of all his followers. Us deplorable / Gilets Jaunes and what not. Not of their (Stiff/Select/Satanic/PornArtist/PornAristo) Club. Thanks but no thanks anyway.

Not that I couldn’t add more to everything I have already said explained or done, and soon I will but the material is there. So many links Updates already, pictures and revelations accessible at no cost and with much taste and truthfulness. Mastery, Fun and non stop wisdom. Not just from me but those that I discovered and connected with along the way and thru the years since the time of Salon.com and Instapunk, some more than others, PLACED STRAIGHT AT THE TOP and ME BECOMING THEIR BEST AND BIGGEST DEFENDER AND ADVOCATE. Without asking for permission but by revealing more and more of myself the way I can/know best under extreme personal circumstances and within a world in perpetual manufactured crisis and war. Including possibly with me personally. Not that I didn’t ask for it. Not that I’m not still trying to find an escape route. More than one.

Anyway, if today I’m making this new but final Jump is because today I have finally exhausted all my capital, not just material but also the human resource. Not my fault if people around me aren’t so rich and if they are, forget about it even more. But I have tested them all and many bridges have been burned not just once but several times over and I sure won’t go back knock on those same old doors. I have already paid the heavy cost of living isolated from superficial or alien friendships when they are not just simply, the good ones, in far away countries with hassles and responsibilities of their own. Heck my own Beloveds are / were the super busy types. If even aware of me at all. Some fate. But not in this Etheric realm. And Beyond. Where REALITY is not negotiable nor compromised.

TODAY was, is SATURDAY 9 10 2022

You are here

It got better since too!






Healing sine wave frequencies for
Blood plasma cleaner
Candida Albicans
Chemtrail_detox, Mycoplasma_general
Mycosis fungus
Nanobacteria_2, Nanobacteria_3
Borrelia Lyme Tertiary
Borrelia Garinii Lyme
Borrelia Spirochete Inhabited
Lyme 1 Lyme 2 Lyme 3 Lyme 4 Lyme 5
Morgellons Myiasis
Morgellons Ruko Tick
Morgellons Plastics Detox
Morgellons Nancy DB
Morgellons Int and Ext Parasites
Morgellons Expeller
Morgellons Collembola
Morgellons Chronic Lesions and Fibres
Listen up to two times every day or night for one week then off the 2nd week resume again on the 3rd week follow this protocol regiment drink an extra cups of purified water after listening.

Headphones are optional. Run at about 30 -50% volume.


Rumble link goes nowhere Blue …

16 hours ago

You (AcidPopArtist) :

It goes to me.

I’m too slow and Bluewater is psychic and fearless and I wanted his backing and he just did and I’m speechless and just grateful at the moment.


(Appetizer and warming up) [show less]

15 hours ago


what link?

You to MadScienceTv.

The Rumble link in the description that ultimately would lead to this, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgYt8zQ8Wx8&list=PLlPKLp_iaJy7JJZ2qNY39PerLapjZiJte&index=121 other than Rome of course. : ))

a few seconds ago

https://www.buymeacoffee.com/fnixadL (This one is vital. Falling into sleep again.)